

Currently aimed at people running their own cloud storage or home storage that are able to understand running a server or follow instructions.

Pre requisites

  • A server with some disk space is required to run bitmark storage.

  • nodejs -- Version 6 or higher

  • git

  • (optional) having your own domain is an advantage


Instructions to run bitmark storage

  1. Clone the bitmark storage repo

    git clone && cd bitmark-storage

  2. run

    npm install

  3. run

    node bin/solid init

    to generate a config (or use a pre determined config and keys)

    to generate keys see the section below : generating keys

    Note: this is the hardest step -- visit slack for help -- see also answering the init questions below

  4. install pm2 ( npm install -g pm2 )

  5. run

    node bin/solid -v start


  1. use pm2 to ensure the process restarts automatically

  2. (optional) forward a port to the outside world if not already

  3. (optional) if running on your home pc add a dyndns service like

  4. (optional) CNAME a domain to your storage server

  5. (optional) remove SSL warnings using letsencrypt

Answering the init questions:

It is possible to use the defaults for most questions. Some notes:

Path to the folder you want to serve.

This is where you want to host files. Perhaps use ~/data/

Generating keys

There are two ways. 1 is locally

`openssl genrsa 2048 
`openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 3650 -key ./privkey.pem -subj '/CN=*.localhost' 

The second way is to use letsencrypt

Issue tracker

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